Making Home a Reality
With your support Dundalk Simon Community can continue to provide essential services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
- Single donation
- Monthly donation

- €250
- €100
- €50
- €25
- Other
Can keep our vital services operating for the most vulnerable in our community.
Can keep our vital services operating for the most vulnerable in our community.
Can keep our vital services operating for the most vulnerable in our community.
Can keep our vital services operating for the most vulnerable in our community.
Please enter the amount

- €15
- €21
- €50
- Other
could help provide a warm bed for a night every month
could provide two “Home Starter Packs” for those who are moving into their own homes over the course of the year
could provide light and heat in one of our supported housing accommodations over the course of the year
Please enter the value
* Tax efficient amount If you donate donate €250 or more in a calendar year the value of your donation can increase by 44.9% to Dundalk Simon Community at no additional cost to you!
* Tax efficient amount. If you donate €21 or more per month in a calendar year the value of your donation can increase by 44.9% to Dublin Simon Community at no additional cost to you!