Our Impact: Building Homes, Rebuilding Lives
Tragically, the number of people who rely on us for accommodation, healthcare and support has drastically increased as the homeless crisis has spiralled. It’s the worst we have ever seen.
In the last five years, as the crisis has deepened and touched the lives of far too many people, we have expanded our services and increased our responsibility to ensure we are a shining light of hope for people in their darkest hour of need.
During the life span of this crisis, Dundalk Simon Community’s dedicated teams of staff and volunteers have vigorously worked to provide vital and life-saving services to people in the north-east of the country. They sit by their side on the pavements, support them through ill health or bereavement and advocate on their behalf to keep them in their homes with their family.
Each day we are delivering outreach to people who are rough sleeping, housing for individuals and families, treatment for those dealing with health issues, support to keep people in their homes and education to get them back on their feet.
Thank you to our supporters, thank you for everything you do to help us to make an impact on this devastating crisis.
In these, the most uncertain of times, we must continue to be that backbone for people and ensure that thousands of vulnerable people know that they are not forgotten and there are people who care.
A donation from you today can help us to rebuild the lives of all of the people who depend on the services of the Dudalk Simon Community.